This year has quickly flown by and I want to take a few moments to give God thanks for all He has done.
In January, our church came together in trial as we experienced a flood throughout our building. Although we had extensive damage, God used our insurance company to provide us with many blessings. We now have new carpet, our building has been updated with fresh paint, and our bathrooms have new wallpaper.
We have been blessed to be in our building for 5 years and God has provided for us every day! Some time we need to stop and give thanks as David did when they carried the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. We should never go too far without giving praise to our God for the great things He has done!
November was also the “Ten Year Anniversary” of Christian Life Center. We were able to celebrate 10 fabulous years of growth and provision. Our District Superintendent, Melvin Thacker, preached a wonderful message and blessed all who were in attendance.
We are thankful to have such great leadership in the Minnesota District.
In closing, I am looking forward to a day of food and fellowship with my family and grandchildren. O’ the joys of smiling faces filled with laughter and hope! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and may God continue to bless our church, our families, and our country.
Pastor David W. Kent